What is just and right? - Pastor Justin Miles

right wrong.jpg

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Pastor Justin Miles

Psalms 119:121-128

v. 121-123

The Psalmist has done what is right

“Don’t leave me to my enemies”

What is just and right? Following God’s way

Pleading with God to save him so he can continue to serve and follow God’s precepts

v. 124-125

Appeals to God based on God’s love for him

Wants to have more understanding of God’s law (see Ephesians 1:15-19)

v. 126

Wants God to act because His law is being broken

Doesn’t suggest to God how He should act

v. 127

Loves God’s commands more than anything else

v. 128

If we follow God’s law, we will hate every wrong path

Jordan Stivers